Shall we do this thing?

Does “marcom stuff” keep dropping off your To Do list?!

Words don’t come easily to everyone (we can’t all be good at everything). But even if writing is your thing, creating and publishing top-notch content takes time that you may not have right now. 

You’ve probably got a strong sense of what and how you want to communicate, but need an extra pair of eyes and hands to actually make it happen.

We’re nerdy about words and good at getting sh*t done. 

So, let’s work together to get those stories started, finished and out into the world: I’s dotted, T’s crossed, audience engaged (taking the pressure off you or your marketing team).

People we've worked with

Dottem & Crossem have in-house, agency and freelance experience ranging from luxury retail and automotive, to local healthcare and national finance providers. 

We’ve been on an amazing journey through the world of marketing, comms and PR, from startups to global companies. 

We’re always up for exploring new ways of working, getting nerdy about words and collecting collaborators wherever we go.

Know the feeling..?

Scaredy Sarah

Sarah has written an incredible story but is too afraid to self-publish it. She’s got a reasonable idea of who would read it, but no plan for how to get it in front of them. She needs to talk through who her target audience is, where she can reach them, and hatch a plan for publication.

Half-baked Harry

Brilliant at headlines, Harry starts strong then runs out of steam. He’s written the beginning of seven articles, has another twelve ideas saved on his phone and two more on the back of his hand. He could do with a regular weekly writing session with a friendly editor to get those stories out of his head, finished and into the world.

Jo the Juggler

Small business owner Jo is watching every penny right now. They manage a hardworking team, who regularly get great feedback from clients. But Jo’s gang aren’t so great at tooting their own horn. They need help to share their success stories, using testimonials to build the company’s reputation, on a budget.

Burned out Benji

The one-man marcomms department. If only there was someone to take a blog post or two off his plate. He’s burning the candle at both ends and still can't keep up with all the press releases, social media posts and marketing campaigns he’s promised to deliver.

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Need help to tell your story?